The project titled 'Africa, Poverty and Pictures' by Duncan McNicholl is an excellent and informed project that, in my opinion, deserves to be funded in order to give a greater voice and attention to the unfortunate misperceptions of Africa perpetuated by many NGOs and Western aid workers. He puts his finger on an issue that is current, relevant, rarely covered and with a fresh perspective from the many newer voices entering the foreign policy arena that challenges "conventional" thinking on these issues.
The project titled 'Africa, Poverty and Pictures' by Duncan McNicholl is an excellent and informed project that, in my opinion, deserves to be funded in order to give a greater voice and attention to the unfortunate misperceptions of Africa perpetuated by many NGOs and Western aid workers. He puts his finger on an issue that is current, relevant, rarely covered and with a fresh perspective from the many newer voices entering the foreign policy arena that challenges "conventional" thinking on these issues.