1-800-STOP-CORRUPTION: It’s your call!
Transparency International - Non-Profit - http://www.transparency.org/alac
Transparency International would be thrilled to work together to promote an extremely practical and effective approach to stopping corruption and its devastating effects around the world. We empower people to resist corruption and promote integrity in public life. Your creativity will help us reach many new supporters for the fight against corruption. This will be a crucial contribution as we seek to massively scale up the work of our Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres, whose hotlines provide free legal advice and support to tens of thousands of whistleblowers, victims and witnesses from Armenia to Zimbabwe, and from Haiti to Pakistan.
Venera commented
Good luck.
Hon M J Edmond commented
We have been writing and protesting for the past 25 years - who listen - nobody, hence we had that mega world financial melt down and other dreadful incidents.
Vire commented
lets keep educating people about corruption..lets make it a priority, to help make our world a better place for living
Muhammad Niima commented
Vire commented
The issue of corruption should be strongly addressed in Vanuatu these days, to help shap a better society for our future generation
Fabiola commented
With corruption remaining embedded in all levels of power, it is impossible to achieve any kind of development. That's why all those huge efforts and amounts of money invested are thrown away year after year by private interests.
Vire commented
putting our hands together to fight corruption in our specific societies, will help shape a better world for us all
Rashed Karadsheh commented
Lets put our hands together to find corruption ...
Gaby Karadsheh commented
Bring justice by fighting corruption every where ...
Paddy Crange commented
You only have to look at the country where I live, Ireland, to see the results of political and financial corruption.
Emmanuel Udom commented
THE issue of corruption must be tackled from all fronts in Nigeria, Africa as well as the rest of the world
Lida Ayoubi commented
wine the fight against corruption, we'll wine the fight against unequality, abuse, hunger, unemployment and the list goes on...
Hilda Ajeilat / Jordan commented
fight all types and forms of corruption and attain justice for all.
Greetings from Jordan -
Rania Karadsheh commented
lets us all fight the corruption everywhere
abetare commented
Une jetoj ne Evope perkatsisht ne gadishullin ballkanik,në shtetin e Kosovës, vend i cili qe 11 vite ka dal nga lufta dhe ende nuk e ka kaluar tranzicionin dhe ne institucionet qe jane ne zhvillim mbretron meritokracia e njerzve qe kanë ardh në pushtet dhe kan zën pozita te caktuara.Jam e zhgenyer me korrupcionin sepse ne gjdo institucion ajo ka zën vend,shum njerëz e perdorin këtë fenomen po ka edhe te atill që e vuajn.Me ka pelqyer programi i transparency internacional dhe organizimii tij ne luften e ketij fenomeni e cili më ka bërë të mos kem asnjë shpres për jet të mirë në vendin timë.Këtë herë një vote for you............
Sara commented
Keep up the good work. And each one should do one's own little share for things to really change. Thanks!!
Dr. Handri Ammari commented
The world is lucky and blessed to have such an organisation like Transparency International. Lets gather our efforts and fight corruption in order for generations to come to live in a healthy world free of all forms and levels of corruption.
paddoconnell commented
Can The Official Secrets Act Contribute To Corruption In ireland?
Owen commented
The only way to stop corruption is, let the people insist on their right.
Rosita Sweetman commented
Stop Corruption. Everywhere