Teach For India: Building a Movement
Teach For India (registered name: Teach to Lead) - Non-Profit - www.teachforindia.org/
Non-profits with the most impact understand how to deliver grassroots impact and bring that to bear on a systemic level. In India, the failing education system is so massive in scale and so grave in its implications, that to address the problem, India's its leaders and citizenry alike must be enlisted. Social media is today's most viral communication platform, and at the rate India's middle class is growing, this is truer than ever for our organization. Teach For India needs a first-rate viral video to enlist India's online community, its most influential citizens, in this movement.
Shwetabh Singh commented
Great work TFI! I completely believe that your work is going to be the foundation of an Equitable India. Good Luck to you and all your Members!
Priyadeep Sinha commented
Educating India is a challenge. Long have been the people of India uneducated and impoverished. TFI has waged a great fight against this epidemic and will come out on top with our entire nation glowing in the Sun of Education. All the best!!!
chaitra commented
TFI incepts just one idea in it's fellows : Every child can....and will reach his potential. No matter where the kids come from, every kid has the right to attain excellent education.
And one day every child WILL........ :)
Deepa Rao commented
May all good luck be on your side. Cheers
Deepa. -
Tarun Bhatia commented
Good Luck TFI!
Essential to the development of our country....
keep it going. -
Srujana Nalam commented
TFI is taking all the right steps and in the right direction in the quest of a better India.
They deserve all the grants they can get! -
Harjot Sandhu commented
Good Luck TFI!!! You're doing great work.
Sharanya Rao commented
Hey TFI, good luck and hope you guys win this grant! Great job so far :) heres to many more milestones!
Cheers -
Pankaj commented
Good Work
Vijay Roy commented
One day all children will attain an excellent education!
Ankita commented
Lets bring "Right to Education to All" in true sense thru TFI program!
Ashima commented
Education is the backbone of all other development programs we need in India and TFI works towards the objective by providing quality education to the underprivileged.
AP commented
Very important program!
Anuj commented
A billion educated minds..awesome!!!
rohit verma commented
very good org.
Ankur Seth commented
TFI gives India a firmer platform to build on... its one way by which we can be assured of today and secure about tomorrow... the work u guys are doing is amazing... I hope u go from strength to strength and TFI emerges as the best Teach for program across the world... Good Luck...
Jahanvi Patel commented
Teach for India is an amazing organization that is creating a great impact on education reform!
Vijay commented
Teach for India is doing a awesome job of creating impact..! Happy to work with...!
Amy commented
Great movement!
Prakhar Mishra commented
you can vote from your different e mails...so use all ids to vote....!!!