Outsourcing the Problem: Consumption, Climate and China
Public Interest Research Centre - Non-Profit - www.pirc.info
Help us reveal an untold scandal: how the West exports carbon emissions to countries like China - expecting them to pay for the impact of our consumption. We need an engaging animation to explain the problem - for which we'll provide research, a voiceover from George Monbiot, and promotion from ChinaDialogue. The animation will inform the public, inspire campaigners and give us a tool to lobby government to take responsibility.
Kate commented
when it comes to the crunch we can't outsource the planet. Good luck with getting funding.
tegwen commented
This is a great idea to expose the reality of a little known situation! Good luck
Anna commented
Best of luck!
Robert Hutchison commented
We are so good at self-delusion in the UK - anything that opens eyes to the damage that we are doing is needed and welcome!
Claire Arthur commented
This is a really crucial area. Hope you get the funding to make it happen. We need a turning point on this one - it's been buried in the sand too long.
Julia Johnson commented
Good luck for a good cause
Tony Grayling commented
It's important that the UK's full carbon footprint is understood taking account of imports and exports.
Bruce Heagerty commented
Sounds a great project! This needs wider media exposal. If you take our outsourced emissions into account it makes a mockery of the government's claim that the UK's emissions have gone down over the last few years. It's like saying we're slimming because we've reduced our doughnut production here, while still importing loads more doughnuts from abroad and getting royally obese on them.
Khemasuri commented
Great, I hope you get the funding to go ahead!
HET commented
Best of luck - about time this was highlighted.
Tom L commented
There are few issues as important and little understood as this one. Without public understanding of carbon outsourcing a meaningful climate change policy dialogue is impossible.
Michael Jeans-Jakobsson commented
Best of luck!
Martin Quick commented
Good idea to get responsibility for emissions where it really lies
Adrian Peeler commented
This should be brought into the open and explained in simple terms to the public.
Nick Jones commented
This is particularly prescient as the changes to the CRC (as part of the CSR) could mean the outsourcing of data centres from the UK, since the removal of the recycling payment mechanism in the CRC adds 10% to data centre energy costs:
Good luck Tim.
Loic Lopez commented
This carbon wisper corruption by the West must be made public, you get my vote.
Neil Dawson commented
Whether an individual or a country responsibility should be accepted for over consumption
Gunnar Boye Olesen commented
Great idea
Derek commented
Sounds very worthwhile!
Susan Seymour commented
Hope this helps.