Dodging Pollution: An Underdog Story
Earthjustice - Non-Profit -
Some of the worst air polluters have dodged controls for decades, pumping dirty air that makes playing outside a dangerous game for kids across the U.S. Though 2011 brings unprecedented opportunities to clean up these polluters, only public pressure can counteract the polluter lobby's influence. A humorous video can help: in a dodgeball game between kids and pollution, large men dressed as mercury, soot, and other pollutants hurl dodgeballs labeled with diseases (e.g. asthma ) while kids counter with balls marked "health" and "clean air". The message: join the kids' team to ensure dirty industries don't dodge clean air rules again.
Gail Craig commented
Consider my voice one of many, many people who know we deserve to have clean air for all of our children. We have a right to a Earth that is clean and healthy. Please vote. Earthjustice will not let us down.
Anonymous commented
The Earth Needs A Good Lawyer is Earthjustice's motto, and it's so very true. In good times and bad, Earthjustice has always been at the forefront, working to protect our planet and all its inhabitants, flora and fauna.
Mary Ann Baier commented
As far as the eye can see, unless there is a lot of particulates in the air.
Elizabeth Darovic commented
I live in one of the most polluted areas in the country. Both of my children have childhood asthma, and it only manifests here, not when we travel back east. The air is never clear here; we live in a constant haze.
humanegirl commented
Earthjustice is one of the most effective organizations in protecting the environment and our endangered wildlife from the special interest groups.
Ken Christopherson commented
When I moved here 52 years ago, we could very clearly see magnificent Mt. Rainier, 14,411 feet, 39 miles from our windows. Now factory smoke and hugely increased cars' exhaust have befogged it each day--often with a dirty brown smog. That can and should be changed!
Anonymous commented
No more permits to pollute, whether from fossil fuel, chemical, nuclear, agricultural runoff or waste or any other polluting entity.
Elliott Baldridge commented
WE NEED CLEAN AIR!!!! We have to do something about the dirty polluters in this country and world! Clean air is imperative for the survival and success of future generations!! SAVE THE EARTH!!!!
Mo W. commented
This is for Earth Justice: E - W - S - N - Above & Below
Anonymous commented
God bless our Earth!
Betsy commented
You have my vote!
Anonymous commented
All kids are exposed to lead in the dirt from all the years of lead in car exhaust fumes. We can never clean it up. It is permanent toxic filth. Nice.
Anonymous commented
All kids are exposed to lead in the dirt from all the years of lead in car exhaust fumes. We can never clean it up. It is permanent toxic filth. Nice.
Ken Christopherson commented
I want my ten grandchildren to live their lives free from the air and water contaminants that insufficiently regulated factories and coal-fired electric power plants that impose on us.
gwenn meltzer commented
__ Humanitarianism First ..
Ken Christopherson commented
Living in an outspread suburb, I nevertheless suffer clogged breathing passages, because I moved here from a prairie state farm--where I experienced nothing of these air contaminants.
Mary West commented
Polluters should be held responsible.
susan Gill commented
Risha Shaw commented
What good is a house if you have no planet to put it on?
Dan Dickinson commented
Stay strong Earthjustice. Your voice for clean air is being heard loud and clear around the country.