Grow nutrient dense food, regenerate soils, forests and stabilize the climate
Remineralize the Earth - Non-Profit -
Our mission is to regenerate soils and forests and as a key strategy to sequester carbon and stabilize the climate through remineralization of soils with finely ground rock dust and sea minerals. One project we would like to duplicate is our Agroforestry project in Costa Rica designed by John Todd to provide food, fuel and income to sustain local communities. This website design grant would allow us to greatly improve our education and outreach through creating an Action Center to provide education materials to local activists, farmers and gardeners with the tools they need to network and initiate projects in their regions, to help us create multimedia on the website to reach the public from powerpoint presentations to youtubes to webinars, to provide the expertise which will help us to get funding to initiate projects worldwide.
Marcie Stock commented
Great project!
Marcial commented
good project
Fran Volkmann commented
Let's get beyond petroleum-based additives to our soils
Lilly Lombard commented
Let's keep exploring alternatives to synthetic fertilizers & pesticides.
Lauren Mills commented
This is so important on many levels.
Ken Bourne commented
If we were to combine the making of bio-char from sewage and garbage, and to use the gases and oil to create electricity,the increased charcoal in the soil would not only sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but would, with the addition of rock dust and other organic amendments, create more food crops from the improved soil and also create many more jobs. Oh! and a healthier human race. Go for it!!
Laura B commented
If you check out the work of the SEER Center on Youtube, the need for this effort is clear and profound. We can do so much to fight world hunger and preserve our planet through a very simple action!
Liz Suozzo commented
Remineralize the earth!
Lauralee commented
Yes, Yes, and YES!!
Jennifer Hartley commented
Healthy soils are the basis of healthy communities.
Jamie Schoen commented
Remineralize the Earth can really work wonders with the help of this grant
Kathleen Daly commented
Jamie Schoen commented
This is a great program! They deserve this grant money!
Margarita commented
RTE es una excelente iniciativa que trabaja desde las raíces del problema, reciclando recursos existentes y respetando la naturaleza.
Em commented
This looks like an excellent project
Amethyst commented
Without healthy soil, there is no healthy food, without healthy food there are no healthy humans.
Roshni commented
Great Work & Good Luck!!!!!!
Loretta Kane commented
Yes, tend mother Earth!
Marina Dvorkin commented
It is my pleasure to vote for a very good project. I wish I can help more. Good luck!
Mr. Aurochs commented
Looks awesome