1,000,000 Miles for the Climate
Climate Ride - Non-Profit - www.climateride.org
Help Climate Ride expand our network of eco-activist cyclists, or Climate Riders, by developing a "1,000,000 Miles for the Climate" campaign & showcasing bicycles as one solution to the climate crisis. Since 2008, more than 300 Climate Riders have pedaled 100,000 miles during our multi-day charitable rides. What if green-minded bike-enthusiasts at home could also become climate warriors by tracking their everyday cycling? The campaign's focus is the promotion of a yet-to-be-developed web-based tool/wireless-app that logs miles pedaled, shares it via social media, and displays the community's combined total. With help, we envision 1,000 participants cycling 1,000,000 miles worldwide in 2011.
Harriet commented
Go Climate Ride
kim commented
go climate ride!
ug commented
Climate Ride!!!!!!!!
Casey commented
good luck climate ride!
Tim Nenninger commented
Climate Ride is the best! Thank you all for what you're doing to help make this planet more livable for humans!
emily commented
YES! Love it! Good Luck!
Alice MacMahon commented
Good luck to a great organization!
Ed Torres commented
I ride every day on my Organic Bike to work.
AaronV commented
Good luck!
Patricia Hallstein commented
Go Climate Ride!
jend428 commented
Keep riding!!<3
Marice Parchen commented
Go Climate Ride!
Glenda commented
Go Climate Ride!
Valerie Karplus commented
Climate ride is amazing!!
Laura Johnston commented
I did the Climate Ride 2009 and it changed me life. Corny as that is for someone already working in conservation it opened up many new circles of people. They are changing lives and inspiring action.
Mary McCrimmon commented
Climate Ride rocks! Wish I could participate in May--maybe next time.
Anonymous commented
Good Luck! Hey, maybe Bob Roll or Lance Armstrong would like to ride one day or so???
Mario Williams commented
I love what Climate Ride is doing and how they get their messages across. Keep up the excellent work!
Karen DiMaria commented
Good Luck!
Anna da Costa commented
Good luck!!