1,000,000 Miles for the Climate
Climate Ride - Non-Profit - www.climateride.org
Help Climate Ride expand our network of eco-activist cyclists, or Climate Riders, by developing a "1,000,000 Miles for the Climate" campaign & showcasing bicycles as one solution to the climate crisis. Since 2008, more than 300 Climate Riders have pedaled 100,000 miles during our multi-day charitable rides. What if green-minded bike-enthusiasts at home could also become climate warriors by tracking their everyday cycling? The campaign's focus is the promotion of a yet-to-be-developed web-based tool/wireless-app that logs miles pedaled, shares it via social media, and displays the community's combined total. With help, we envision 1,000 participants cycling 1,000,000 miles worldwide in 2011.

kathy commented
Climate Ride... Keepin the wheels in motion!!!!
Sweet Basil Catering commented
We just finished catering for Climate Ride California 2010 and I'm leaving all of next September's clients waiting until I hear word about Climate Ride California 2011. It's just that amazing!
Deb Janes commented
Climate Ride is a brilliant idea... and it's an extremely well-run organization. It has an amazingly wide and deep impact on a tiny budget. The two founders/directors are savvy, strategic and passionate.
Emily commented
Bikes also run on burritos!
Roger Greenway commented
Keep on pedaling!
Evan commented
Cars run on gasoline, bikes run on yogurt and love. It's that simple. Climate Ride makes the case that low-tech healthy solutions can have high impact on our sustainability.
Jenny commented
Climate Ride rocks! :)
Jenny commented
Climate Ride ROCKS! :)
Jenny commented
Climate Ride ROCKS! :)
David Helvarg commented
Climate Riders are the circle of change that keeps on rolling
Laura Lutz commented
Dave Wright commented
Couldn't be more supportive.
LSH commented
Climate Ride raises awareness through rider fundraising efforts and on the road to those encountered during the ride.
Lori Sinsley commented
Climate Ride is an exception non-profit that was created by two amazing women. I highly recommend any of its rides to any one who cares about the planet. Good luck you guys!
Lori Sinsley commented
Climate Ride is an exception non-profit that was created by two amazing women. I highly recommend any of its rides to any one who cares about the planet. Good luck you guys!
Lori Sinsley commented
Climate Ride is an exception non-profit that was created by two amazing women. I highly recommend any of its rides to any one who cares about the planet. Good luck you guys!
roger commented
breathin' the good air by bike!!! CA Climate Ride!
roger commented
breathin' the good air by bike!!!
roger commented
breathin' the good air by bike!!!
Anonymous commented
Great group that is really making a difference by making people aware of Climate Change. Their commitment and organizational skills are superb.