Ending world hunger, one grilled cheese at a time
FeelGood - Non-Profit - www.feelgoodworld.org
Conventional service delivery solutions to hunger are founded on a framework of thinking that fundamentally misidentifies who hungry people are. This framework treats people born into poverty as: mouths to feed & as fishermen who need to be taught, reinforcing the powerlessness that creates the conditions of hunger. A new framework is needed to eradicate hunger, one rooted in human dignity, the power of self-reliance, and the reality of our interconnectedness. We envision a campaign that inspires and invites the masses to adopt this framework, generating support for movements like FeelGood, which is ending hunger one grilled cheese at a time.
Tricia commented
FeelGood is the greatest!!
Dani Lurie commented
Jonathan Sinnott commented
I'm the Marketing/Public Relations chair for FeelGood @UCR...and I have to say, that what this club is affiliated with is amazing. So creative, unique and special <3
Ale Apud commented
Yay Feel Good! Thanks for empowering our generation to take charge and change the world one grilled cheese at a time!! You are an inspiration to me and thousands of others!
Jamie commented
FeelGood is an incredible organization that ignites and empowers student leaders on college campuses to create real change in the world. With a mission driven model designed to "end world hunger one grilled cheese at a time," FG mobilizes the passion and energy of university students and provides them the tools and support they need to become effective changemakers.
Having been a student who was involved with FeelGood I can honestly say that it changed my life. I learned a lot about hunger issues, running a social enterprise, and the power of passionate optimism. I hope they win this grant, they deserve it!
kristin commented
Go FeelGood