Ending world hunger, one grilled cheese at a time
FeelGood - Non-Profit - www.feelgoodworld.org
Conventional service delivery solutions to hunger are founded on a framework of thinking that fundamentally misidentifies who hungry people are. This framework treats people born into poverty as: mouths to feed & as fishermen who need to be taught, reinforcing the powerlessness that creates the conditions of hunger. A new framework is needed to eradicate hunger, one rooted in human dignity, the power of self-reliance, and the reality of our interconnectedness. We envision a campaign that inspires and invites the masses to adopt this framework, generating support for movements like FeelGood, which is ending hunger one grilled cheese at a time.
Shilpa commented
FeelGood is da' bomb yo!
Yoooooo commented
Feelgood has a great cause and a vision to end world hunger! :D
Roberto commented
Feel Good makes me feel good like a cuddle machine
Christopher Dunham commented
great cause, great ideas, great people.
Anonymous commented
te amo, FeelGood
Izzy commented
FeelGood Pitt chapter!!!
Laura commented
YEAHH, FeelGood!
Jayme Johnson commented
Staci Chirchick commented
Marcela commented
Marcela commented
Sarah commented
yay FG students & alum!
Jason commented
BOOM! I love every chance I get to support the best cause ever!
Lane commented
Marcela Froelich commented
Way to go FeelGood!!!
talis commented
a way to love the world!! Feel WHAT!?
Evelyn Little commented
I am a current member of FeelGood at the University of Pittsburgh. I can honestly say that joining FeelGood was the single greatest thing I did while at college. It is an inspiring, optimistic organization that *needs* to spread to every college campus in the country (and world?)! It was my pleasure to vote and show my support. Feel what? FEELGOOD!
pepe commented
If your hapy and you know it !!!!!
amarynth commented
Claire Bollinger commented
Hooray FeelGood