Reality Check, Open the Net
Center for Media Justice - Non-Profit -
Despite efforts of Telco's to control the Internet, they remain a favored big business. Pouring millions of dollars of donations into non-profit organizations in the communities they serve hasn't hurt either. Thus the average person is hard-pressed to recognize the false choice they sell--between broadband investment in underserved communities and rules to preserve online independence. We'd like to create a simple viral video for our Campaign for Internet Freedom playing on the famous 1984 Apple commercial, dispelling the social marketing myths of these companies, and offering a vision of the Internet that is hopeful and possible.

ihudahl commented
devorah hill commented
We really need an affordable (for everyone) and Open Internet, NOW!
carlos pareja commented
great work. big fan of an open 'net
Radio Pocho commented
Radio Pocho endorses a reality check.
mattfwood commented
tammy ko Robinson commented
3 votes to win! connecting the Internet issue to jobs, healthcare, education
Steven Renderos commented
3 votes!!!!
alsonnie commented
you got my 3 votes for sure!
Scott Sanders commented
Support universal broadband, an open net, and this proposal.
red commented
i'm down to reality check the net for sure!
Caron Atlas commented
This is terrific work which I fully support!
Roberta commented
The Cernter for Media Justice is a leader in Media and social justice in the county and we are proud to vote for them to continue their efforts.
MarkDilley commented is a valuable organization and supporting this effort is a good thing.
google -
Louis Head commented
Vote Early and Vote Often!
Betty Yu commented
What an important project.
Laura B. commented
this is so important!
nick szuberla commented
Best of luck.
Betty Yu commented
We really need an affordable and Open Internet. These viral videos would be great!
Jennie Anderson commented
I can't afford the internet right now and I am also in school which makes it really hard. Also, it seem that everything is on the internet right now. I feel disconnected from the world and that I'm the last to know.
Yolanda Hippensteele commented
Free Range could be really helpful in creating a campaign or video on the net neutrality/Internet Freedom issue. It's complex and wonky but sooooo important to the future of the Internet as we know it.