Mobilize Internet activists to green the economy
Green Affiliates - Profit -
Free Range Studios is the ideal creative partner to help Green Affiliates empower e-activists to transform the world through economic power. Our mission is to dramatically ramp up online economic activity in support of green, fair trade, and socially responsible companies and causes. Online activists receive downloadable ads and links they distribute to their social media networks, blogs, email lists, and discussion groups. This low-cost, viral networking expands the reach of socially responsible companies and causes who may not have marketing budgets or staff. Only authentic companies are supported, such as members of Green Business Network, B-Corps, and other select credentialing organizations.
Amy commented
Thanks for the support and comments. We rose from 14th place to 7th place in one day, thanks to all your support. At this rate, the Youtopia's the limit. Please spread the word and ask your friends to support us.
Gianni commented
Sounds great!
jade Furman commented
How could I say no to that?
Bob Lucas commented
I was green way before it was the "in" thing, but it's great that the awareness is at a high level now.
Kate commented
This company is doing vital work by promoting socially responsible economic practices.
Jason Yiu commented
This company is great and is for a good cause. I am glad to be affliated with the company
Joseph commented
This company has an Awesome CEO running this organization. I could not be more proud of the excellent job this company does. Keep up the great work!!
Laurie commented
Excellent program!
Champ Nash commented
go jeremy!
Jai Toor commented
Sounds good to me.
Charles commented
The only green I care about is money.
david commented
Enabling the For-profit world to operate responsibly and successfully is critical to long-term sustainability. Thanks GreenAffiliates!
Joe Jackson commented
Keep it up!
Anonymous commented
we need more of this kind of pro-active empowerment and green affiliates is doing it right.