Mobilize Internet activists to green the economy
Green Affiliates - Profit -
Free Range Studios is the ideal creative partner to help Green Affiliates empower e-activists to transform the world through economic power. Our mission is to dramatically ramp up online economic activity in support of green, fair trade, and socially responsible companies and causes. Online activists receive downloadable ads and links they distribute to their social media networks, blogs, email lists, and discussion groups. This low-cost, viral networking expands the reach of socially responsible companies and causes who may not have marketing budgets or staff. Only authentic companies are supported, such as members of Green Business Network, B-Corps, and other select credentialing organizations.
quiet spirit commented
They're all yours, From Quiet Spirit
Judith Yamada commented
and # 3
Judith Yamada commented
Here's #2
Judith Yamada commented
Okay, You have my vote; hope it's not too late.
Lori Darley commented
You DEFINITELY have my vote!
Roy Spencer White commented
Okay, in the spirit of real-world "Voting" I must cast my 2nd vote. :-)
Cheer's Amy!
Roy Spencer White commented
Yikes! Hey Amy, I would love to see your organization win this grant. For what it's worth I am wishing you the BEST.
K-lyn Rose commented
Best of Luck Amy!!
K-lyn Rose commented
K-lyn Rose commented
Debbie Platt commented
I voted x3... Thanks Amy for letting us know and help.
Debbie Platt commented
I voted x3... Thanks Amy for letting us know and help.
FreshGreenKim commented
I blogged about it over on my site... GOOD LUCK!
aquabarrel commented - for all your rain barrel and rain barrel parts on one website
Billyonaire commented
Leopoldo Maderas Udan II commented
wooohooo hype+
Joseph commented
This is an Awesome company helping our environment. The CEO is passionate about our planet and keeping it healthy...we need this company to win this grant! Good luck guys.
June commented
Great job Green Affiliates :-)
AntonioB commented
Green Affiliates is a very worthwhile venture that should bring great benefits to small, responsible companies. I wish Green Affiliates success.
Anonymous commented