New Money for Healthy Communities
DualCurrency Systems - Hybrid -
An environmentally sustainable and socially just global economy calls for game changing innovation. DualCurrency Systems proposes a profit-driven, yet equitable, new financial instrument. Today, businesses reward consumer spending with frequent flyer miles and other loyalty rewards. Why not also reward community volunteerism, green energy use and other socially beneficial behaviors? Everyone wins: merchants accept rewards for dual currency deals on their unused capacity; communities mobilize untapped time and talents of people; revenue sharing with community organizations inspires cross-sector coalitions; the payments industry provides rapid global adoption. Economic innovation in action! Please visit
Jeff Hohensee commented
Incentivizes pro-social action.
John S Veitch commented
Real money is part of the process of rebuilding a sustainable local economy.
Anonymous commented
New money systems are absolutely essential for our world to transform.
This is the most brilliant idea I've heard in a long time! -
Robin Maxfield commented
This is one of the best ideas I've ever heard. If our priorities are quality of life for all, this is the solution.
t klein commented
This financial instrument promotes the 'win-win-win - or no deal' philosophy that I believe in. It builds our community by calling forth contribution & commitment to pro-social values/causes, promotes collaborative relationships, honors and acknowledges 'volunteers' and those who are acting in our LONG-term best interest (example: building rain gardens, ...)
We need more of this kind of social interest thinking w/ innovative tools that directly build momentum for the community of our preferred future. -
Delfina commented
Rooting for DCS! Onward and upward!
Delfina commented
Rooting for DCS! Onward and upward!
Delfina commented
Rooting for DCS! Onward and u
Benjamin Roberts commented
Our money system is at the heart of so much that is going wrong on the planet, while a dual currency may offer a way to unleash enormous new energies in support of sustainability and healthier communities. It is one of the key SYSTEMIC tools we have at our disposal, and one of the few that taps directly into the private sector..
Dick Hogan commented
Opens the door and more space for deeper and deeper regenerative coherence, announces our intention to work together, to be well, Go Home Together and Balance Life for All! Yea!
Michael Brook commented
What a Great idea! This is an effective, much needed way to drive social change in a positive direction.
Mark commented
Now if you could find a way to financially reward us for laying on the couch and eating snacks and drinking a cold beer... you'd have the majority of our nation on board!!
Mark commented
Now if you could find a way to financially reward us for laying on the couch and eating snacks and drinking a cold beer... you'd have the majority of our nation on board!!
Mark commented
Now if you could find a way to financially reward us for laying on the couch and eating snacks and drinking a cold beer... you'd have the majority of our nation on board!!
Terrie Ten Eyck commented
The world needs I'm willing to believe it's fully possible to change our economic paradigm. So what are we waiting for? Dual Currency can be the answer with its win/win/win model. I hope you get the votes you need to keep this concept growing into our world.
Jeanne Hamlin commented
Dual Currency offers a great way to bring current resources together with individuals / organizations to collaborate for a more positive, socially just and sustainable way of life - today and for generations to come!
Jeanne Hamlin commented
Dual Currency offers a great way to bring current resources together with individuals / organizations to collaborate for a more positive, socially just and sustainable way of life - today and for generations to come!
Anonymous commented
Joel it's great to see you are still commited to Dual Currency. Bev
Patricia Keefe commented
The Dual Currency System is essential to fair and just society. Since there are so many resources and such a tight money supply, dual currency is exactly the kind of economy we need.
Don Anderson commented
An exciting and valid idea. Our present currency, like that of other countries, is valid also but why not use un-sold capacity to meet un-met needs?