The Cruelty Behind the Cuteness
The Humane Society of the United States - Non-Profit -
Free Range can help reduce suffering and create meaningful social change for animals by creating a movie to educate youth (target age range 13-18) about the inherent cruelty in mass dog breeding operations commonly known as puppy mills. Millions of puppies are born in shockingly poor conditions each year, many with behavior and/or health problems. Many people don't realize they're supporting this cruelty when they purchase a puppy in a pet store, over the Internet, or through a classified ad. By raising awareness, we can help stop a cycle of cruelty that contributes to pet overpopulation and the suffering of countless dogs.
Rita & Dakota commented
We need to step up for our Best Friends!!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
olivia commented
These sick evil things need to end now.Those sick ***** will burn in **** for what they have done to these poor animals.People that don't like animals or are cruel to them have no souls what so ever and are my enemies!
Rocky commented
This is so important. We need to educate the young.
Susan commented
Please stop animal cruelty and let the animals run wild!!!
Fetsje Goettsch commented
LOVE the title "The Cruelty Behind the Cuteness". Too many people who still don't get it!
cat commented
When will it end?
Rita & Dakota commented
We must protect all of our Best Friends!
Maria Palmer commented
I think this is a good thing. Kids need to know what's going on. I'm 50 and only learned about it about 3 years ago. I feel if I had known earlier I would have started being more conscious about my choices. It is truly sad that we human beings, as smart as we're supposed to be, don't want to or just choose to ignore the horrors that go on.
bud commented
adoption is the answer...dont support these puppymills..
Maryellen Kogler commented
This is an important step in opening the eyes of young people to where the things they ask for come from. As they begin to learn there is a story behind every animal they will continue to learn there is a story behind every meal and product as well.
Michele Angelucci commented
we need to educate people from a young age about this. everyone should know where that "doggie in the window" comes from and the horrible truth about puppy mills!
Rita & Dakota commented
We must protect all of our Best Friends!
June Siegel-Hill commented
Never ever buy a pet from a pet store. There are beautiful animals in the shelter who need homes. Don't support pet stores. Let's put them out of business.
Deb commented
Would we want to have that kind of existence??? Animals deserve nothing less!!