Even "alternative" media is dominated by brainwashing (divide and conquer) strategies. Some of the worst include World Net Daily, NEWSMAX, Truthdig, Alternet, and so-called "peace" organizations like FCNL, CodePink and World Can't Wait. Let's not dignify Iraq and Afghanistan by calling them 'wars'--they are occupations which are founded upon lies of biblical proportions--the lies of 9-11.
Even "alternative" media is dominated by brainwashing (divide and conquer) strategies. Some of the worst include World Net Daily, NEWSMAX, Truthdig, Alternet, and so-called "peace" organizations like FCNL, CodePink and World Can't Wait. Let's not dignify Iraq and Afghanistan by calling them 'wars'--they are occupations which are founded upon lies of biblical proportions--the lies of 9-11.