1-800-STOP-CORRUPTION: It’s your call!
Transparency International - Non-Profit - http://www.transparency.org/alac
Transparency International would be thrilled to work together to promote an extremely practical and effective approach to stopping corruption and its devastating effects around the world. We empower people to resist corruption and promote integrity in public life. Your creativity will help us reach many new supporters for the fight against corruption. This will be a crucial contribution as we seek to massively scale up the work of our Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres, whose hotlines provide free legal advice and support to tens of thousands of whistleblowers, victims and witnesses from Armenia to Zimbabwe, and from Haiti to Pakistan.

Metodi Zajkov commented
ALAC as a primary tool against corruption !!!
Ivan Ninenko commented
This project will be really helpfull
Katerina Mileska commented
Super! go go ALACs!
Ben Elers commented
This is exactly what we need!
Sara commented
fantastic project! give citizens their voice!
Milena commented
Go go ALACs!
Andrea commented
Corruption thrives when people feel they have no choice and are powerless when confronted with it. A hotline where people can get advice on what to do is worth supporting! Good Luck!
Marie Chêne commented
Great project
Ivan commented
go ALACs go!
Marta Erquicia commented
Roberto Perez commented
This is the one way vicitims of corruption can be empowered! Best project I've seen in years!
Flo commented
Great work you are doing. Keep it up!
Larissa commented
Neal Limonte-Brett commented
Keep up the good work!
Caren Blume commented
Super! Carry on!
Nadja commented
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Anja Osterhaus commented
Good luck!
Sunanda Rao commented
I join this campaign to fight against corruption. All the best!
Miklos Marschall commented
Great initiative!
Patrick Mahassen commented
I support this campaign with all my heart