Campaigns to promote local, public-interest investigative reporting
San Francisco Public Press - Non-Profit -
The San Francisco Public Press is a nonprofit, noncommercial news organization dedicated to doing for print and Web journalism what public broadcasting has done for radio and television. Our mission is to enrich civic life in San Francisco by delivering public-interest journalism to broad and diverse audiences through print and interactive media not supported by advertising.
We publish online at and this summer began printing a quarterly, ad-free newspaper with the help of more than 70 professional and volunteer journalists, and through partnerships with nonprofit and independent news organizations, which provide about one third of the content for the print edition.
For 2011, we are planning a series of quarterly investigative projects examining the effectiveness of several high-profile municipal initiatives in San Francisco. We hope Free Range can help us create viral marketing campaigns around these four projects — which will be released simultaneously online and in print — using web design, social media, photography, interactive multimedia and real world marketing efforts.

Andrew Page commented
This organization continues to amaze me wit the awesome journalism they do with almost nothing. Of course, good old shoe leather reporting should be supported with a livable wage - I hope this the design and strategy support can get the great project to a place where they can give their reporters a solid income.
Jeremy Smith commented
I truly can't think of a more deserving candidate than Public Press, with whom I shared an office space for a year. I have very rarely seen the level of dedication shown by Lila LaHood, Michael Stoll, and numerous volunteers who have developed a wonderfully collaborative culture. And the results speak for themselves: Public Press has won numerous journalism awards through the years, with a fraction of the budget of other news organizations.