Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised
"Unplug the Signal" - Hybrid - http://www.unplugthesignal.com/
I am a visual artist; I have begun a campaign to create awareness of the gross manipulation of information by the 6 corporations that control television content in this country. With the average American watching more than 4 hours of television each day, the TV plays a major role in creating the consciousness of Americans. By turning the television off and seeking alternative sources of information, Americans are likely to become better informed, consume less, healthier, and more highly engaged within the places we live. You can help the "Unplug the Signal" campaign by creating an effective online movie.

Micha The Donkey commented
Peter commented
Unplug? Even better , dont have a TV. I'm living without TV for four years now, it's been a wonderfull time.
Elina McElvenny commented
Please attempt to unplug from tv as much as you can its alluring, distracting, manipulative and you are being missinformed daily by news and other programs, do not accept one source of media, as your only media, or you will be left defenseless
prot44 commented
unplug your brain and free your mind
potravina commented
out with mind control
pierre-henri commented
Disconnect to reconnect !
jorge Rojo commented
Excelent exposure of the manipulation of dumb mases
Soulsbwar commented
They call it "programming" for a reason...
Irene commented
unplug TV. I don't watch it, no one should watch the brainwashing device.
Michele commented
form your own opinions ,dont be influenced by nonsense.
Mark Hall commented
Unplug me. Hate TV
Leigh Peret commented
Free the people.
Delia commented
We need to return to a free market system!
kaindemonic_78 commented
There a lot of conspiracy out there that projects and wars like 9/11 and the GWOT was an inside job. I'm not exactly sure what side to take on this one but, I really fear for my country's future if things do not change. Many of us ask, "What can we do about it? We don't have the power to change anything. Why can't the government step in?" Here is the problem. All this time we have been relying on a government that was supposed to selected by the people. The propagana shown on the air waves, to tell what we are supposed to believe have manipulated our way of living, thinking and the way we conduct our lives. People live in fear because they're afraid of getting arrested doing something that some of us prefer to do, which in the media's eye is a very moronic thing. It's called thinking. With thinking it allows us to form our own opinion. We may not have the guns or the physical power to take back what's ours, and set things right. However, our strength can be gained and flexed in numbers. There should be more people out there. Know what else? This include Clear Channel stations as well. They need to be shut down. Enough of the lies.
kaindemonic_78 commented
I watched a music video one day from one of my favorite bands....The singer wore a shirt that said "TV LIES"
kaindemonic_78 commented
That's been going on for a long time now. It's about time more and more people are starting to become more aware of the manipulations of the media, the politics that run television behind the scenes, and the way America loves to soak up the nonsense in the articles they right. More than half of the cruel realities remain unhidden. Other times, they pick and choose who gets the fame and who they decide to ruin. It's terrible and, so many of this stuff either goes unnoticed or, people just don't care because, it doesn't affect their normal lives. Something has to be done about it.
Leigh Kelleher commented
Unplug the TV the drain of the nation.
James D. commented
pull the plug!
bau commented
unplug the tv and free and unslave your mind,life,your families and your wallets .tv corporations are inslaving us,dumbing us up,time to be free.
nikhil.js commented
We need you not just in US, but in India too!