Parents Care + Share Digital Training Video
Children’s Home + Aid- Non-Profit -
Parents Care + Share prevents child abuse by empowering parents to shed abusive practices and learn new, protective parenting skills. During these free group meetings, volunteer facilitators and parent leaders face difficult issues such as anger, substance abuse, child endangerment or domestic violence. They need training to effectively help the group find solutions to those issues. Children’s Home + Aid wishes to produce a training video for facilitators and parent leaders to increase their skills. The video will give them the tools they need to help parents implement protective parenting skills, develop nurturing relationships with their children and peers.

Judy Biasetti commented
Worthy cause.
Elaine commented
What a great cause!
Donna Kelch commented
Jill Hawkins commented
Children's Home + Aid always gets my vote!!
Candy Morris commented
Good cause, get on board!
Anonymous commented
Kristine Bick commented
double :)
Michael Selman commented
Your Comment: This is a fabulous program, and we need it EVERYWHERE!
Anonymous commented
Come on Everyone...It's for a good Cause!!!
Anonymous commented
We can do it!
Stanely Amelkovich commented
Great organization!
Dave Purdie commented
A good cause.
Anonymous commented
This is a worthy cause. The video has the potential of making a substantial impact. Good luck!
Laura commented
Hope Children's Home + Share Wins!
Anonymous commented
This Vedio will impact many families
Anne Larrea Barclay commented
This video will impact many families.
Anne Larrea Barclay commented
This video will impact many families.
Anne Larrea Barclay commented
This video will impact many families.
Anonymous commented
voting for my agency
Eric Brenner commented
Hope Children's Home + Aid wins.