Mediacology: Green Media Education Website
World Bridger Media - Profit -
The Mediacology: Green Media Education Website connects media literacy with ecoliteracy. By filling a gap between media and environmental education, this resource offers sustainable and ethical media education tools for educators, community activists and cultural citizens engaged in transformative planetary change. In the spirit of sustainable communication, the final product will be open source and freely available to the global community via a Website portal. The resource will consist of free downloadable curricula, community space, online multimedia lessons and access to online trainings. This project requests help in developing a unified identity for all its materials: logo, print and Website.

Dianna Morton commented
ANtonio Lopez's blog is the best in media education. I mean it. I read and think about and explore all of his posts. He goes beyond analysis and contemplates how our humanity fits into this digital revolution and vica versa.
Hazem Elwattar commented
A great and useful idea
Aya Hazem commented
A very worthwhile project.
Pramod Parajuli, Ph.D. commented
Bringing media insights to ecoliteracy is very urgent. Antonio Lopez is at the forefront of those linkages and integration. Kudos to this emergent media and sustainability educator !!!
JohnGist commented
This project is of vital importance!
Abeer Salem commented
This is a much needed resource for all those who are either interested in or affected by media and the environment -- and who isn't?
Katherine commented
This work is extremely important to all facets of sustainability education. This sort of blending of media with education for ecological and social literacies is vital for the times in which we live. These tools deserve wide recognition.
Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies commented
As the world continues to converge online, support is timely and vital to connect media and ecoliteracies! A very worthwhile venture for the Earth.
Anonymous commented
I strongly support the goals of this website, which are worthy and important........Alex
Tina commented
This is an important project in sustainability-oriented education, an area of work that is important to all of our lives and to nature as a whole.
Jens commented
This is a creative use of technology to advance education and disseminate meaningful tools to people you will use them!
Jens commented
This is a creative use of technology to advance education and disseminate meaningful tools to people you will use them!
Jens commented
This is a creative use of technology to advance education and disseminate meaningful tools to people you will use them!
Jake commented
This is relevant and timely work that needs to be available to a wide audience.
Jake commented
This is relevant and timely work that needs to be available to a wide audience.