Grow nutrient dense food, regenerate soils, forests and stabilize the climate
Remineralize the Earth - Non-Profit -
Our mission is to regenerate soils and forests and as a key strategy to sequester carbon and stabilize the climate through remineralization of soils with finely ground rock dust and sea minerals. One project we would like to duplicate is our Agroforestry project in Costa Rica designed by John Todd to provide food, fuel and income to sustain local communities. This website design grant would allow us to greatly improve our education and outreach through creating an Action Center to provide education materials to local activists, farmers and gardeners with the tools they need to network and initiate projects in their regions, to help us create multimedia on the website to reach the public from powerpoint presentations to youtubes to webinars, to provide the expertise which will help us to get funding to initiate projects worldwide.
Dorothy Andersson commented
Go RTE! Better food, better planet, higher beings!
Will Flanders commented
Remineralize the Earth is doing great work. We need it!
Галина Зюзина commented
Большой удачи!
Rebecca @ Munash commented
One of the best advocates for soil and human health that I know of. Love being apart of it. Good luck!
Nataly commented
Charlotte commented
The earth has the ability to regenerate itself if we just give it a chance. Keep up the great work trying to save the world!
Delilah commented
Good luck =)
Robin Jameson commented
Good luck! This is important work. I hope that you get the support you need to do it!
Amy Danger commented
**thumbs up**
Zablon Wagalla commented
This technology leads the world to sustainable agriculture that brings food security.
oofa commented
go ahead!
victory commented
victory commented
I support it.
Deborah Bird commented
Dedicated personnel, long term organization, we need healthy soil to grow healthy food - we can't do much else without this.
Santo DeMauro commented
Love Reminerilize the Earth, great non profit and right on the money.
Asya commented
Голосую за Вас:) Ну и желаю успеха!)))
nelly commented
nastya commented
olga kapustina commented
I vote for you
Mariah Pittman commented
Boa sorte! Good luck RTE!