Environment & Conservation
29 results found
Dodging Pollution: An Underdog Story
Earthjustice - Non-Profit - www.earthjustice.org
Some of the worst air polluters have dodged controls for decades, pumping dirty air that makes playing outside a dangerous game for kids across the U.S. Though 2011 brings unprecedented opportunities to clean up these polluters, only public pressure can counteract the polluter lobby's influence. A humorous video can help: in a dodgeball game between kids and pollution, large men dressed as mercury, soot, and other pollutants hurl dodgeballs labeled with diseases (e.g. asthma ) while kids counter with balls marked "health" and "clean air". The message: join the kids' team to ensure dirty industries…
6,553 votes -
Zahelu - The Connection
Eco Value - Non-Profit - www.ecovalue.org.in
"Zahelu - The Connection" is about telling the urban youth that they are part of the nature. Usually, nature to them is something that one does on a Sunday or on a vacation. I wish to make an online movie that connects people with nature; it tells them that they are a part of the nature. And, whether they like it or not, they interact with it, and it affects them directly.
For the movie to be effective, it needs to be made creatively and with passion. I know I need your help to…
2,529 votes -
Greater Yellowstone Coalition - Non-Profit - www.greateryellowstone.org
At the Greater Yellowstone Coalition we work to protect the forests, waters and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park and the 20 million acres that surround it. With your help we propose to launch our first online donor acquisition and outreach campaign: RU4YNP? Today we have 17,000 supporters from all over the country.~ But more than three million people visit Yellowstone every year. Our goal is to use online outreach to translate the public's love for Yellowstone into new support for protection of free-roaming wolves, grizzly bears, bison, elk and their habitat, and protection…
2,259 votes -
River and Life
TREE-Training Research Education for Empowerment - Non-Profit - www.treebd.org
For centuries the river system of Bangladesh have watered the fields, put fish on the table and acted as avenue of the in and outside the world. The importance of rivers, gives them a crucial place in the ecology of myth and religion of some groups. Now people are just competing with nature and destructing its as much as they can. The result is that there is a threat of traditional livelihoods and long term impacts on ecology and environment.
However, during 1990s government polices to accelerated the country's GNP, to…
1,511 votes -
It's Where We Live
SELVA International - Non-Profit - www.selvainternational.org
SELVA International has formed a diverse collaboration to create a unique project that communicates ecological facts through online media. The resource will be geared toward educators and the public. We have designed a game-like experience that leads users through a series of interactive stories teaching a basic fact: the environment is where WE live. This theme is explored through quest-like modules centered on core environmental issues. By forging their own path through realistic scenarios, users will learn/engage with the issues on a personal level. They will learn specific actions for positive change and how…
1,349 votes -
Trash Free Potomac Watershed
Alice Ferguson Foundation - Non-Profit - trashfree.org
AFF's Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative seeks a Trash Free Potomac by 2013. A public education campaign is in-development to grab the attention of litterers and inspire them to change their behavior. Social marketing indicates that admitted litters of all ages and demographics respond to concerns about health, protecting their children, and cleanliness. Social marketing is essential to cost-effectively reaching the Potomac River Watershed's 6 million residents and important to the campaign's success, especially with teenage and young adult litters. The Initiative needs experts like Free Range to help create an anti-litter video…
1,151 votes -
Grow nutrient dense food, regenerate soils, forests and stabilize the climate
Remineralize the Earth - Non-Profit - www.remineralize.org/
Our mission is to regenerate soils and forests and as a key strategy to sequester carbon and stabilize the climate through remineralization of soils with finely ground rock dust and sea minerals. One project we would like to duplicate is our Agroforestry project in Costa Rica designed by John Todd to provide food, fuel and income to sustain local communities. This website design grant would allow us to greatly improve our education and outreach through creating an Action Center to provide education materials to local activists, farmers and gardeners with the tools they…
1,151 votes -
Outsourcing the Problem: Consumption, Climate and China
Public Interest Research Centre - Non-Profit - www.pirc.info
Help us reveal an untold scandal: how the West exports carbon emissions to countries like China - expecting them to pay for the impact of our consumption. We need an engaging animation to explain the problem - for which we'll provide research, a voiceover from George Monbiot, and promotion from ChinaDialogue. The animation will inform the public, inspire campaigners and give us a tool to lobby government to take responsibility.
609 votes -
OpenSourceCoal.org: Questioning the Viability of a Coal-Based Future
Appalachian Voices - Non-Profit - www.AppalachianVoices.org
OpenSourceCoal.org is an online user-friendly compendium which seeks to tame bewildering and wildly scattered government coal data. How many tons of coal were surface-mined by Massey Energy in 1998? What are the annual CO2 emissions from power plants in NC? The data available on OpenSourceCoal.org offers a comprehensive view of the rising costs and declining production of coal.
We have the tool plus relationships with the public, media, and elected officials. Free Range can provide the means of keeping the data current and disseminating this important information, helping to create a clean energy future…
601 votes -
The Value of Nature
Eco Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve - Hybrid - www.carbonneutralplanet.org
Natural capital belongs to the countries and natural deficit is a by-product of the rich ones. It is the Global South who own and work the last healthy, high biodiversity areas that sustain life on Earth, they should be sacred. There is an alternative voluntary way to reduce CO2 involving rural South communities in high biodiversity areas and to share the burden of caring for Nature's values: wildlife, water, fresh air, climate regulation, carbon dioxide capture, landscape management, recreation services, and peace of mind. Help us transfer this know-how, recognize the…
537 votes -
"The Story of Coffee: From Bean to Cup"
Green Café Network - Non-Profit - www.greencafenetwork.org
Over 50% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis. After oil, coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity, and supports over 25 million producers worldwide, who often receive prices that are less than the costs of production. Our love for the bean brings massive environmental impacts from transportation and brewing processes along with innumerable tons of waste in the cafes that serve our morning brew. "The Story of Coffee will be a compelling online video that will wake up Americans to the impacts of the coffee industry and empower people to…
495 votes -
Inspiring Conservation One Community at a Time
Rare - Non-Profit - www.rareconservation.org
Rare is the most innovative, progressive environmental conservation organization you've never heard of. Rare's work impacts communities in the most biodiverse and threatened regions of the world such as the rain forests of Indonesia, the coral reefs of the Philippines and the cloud forests in the Andes. While conservation has long been science-driven, success will ultimately come down to changing the way people relate to nature. Rare combines science with tools for changing behaviors and igniting civic action. Free Range studio is the ideal firm to tell Rare's unique story of inspiring conservation one community…
201 votes -
Wildlands Network - Non-Profit - www.wildlandsnetwork.org
We want a world without racism against animals -- predators, in particular. Myth, fear mongering and domination have led to the decimation of bears, cougars, and many other important species worldwide. Their disappearance is silently causing the collapse of habitats all around us. Few realize this signals our own demise. Predators are Nature's best managers. With a natural ability to maintain a balance between living things, they are our guardians, not enemies. An animated movie would call out the misguided human wildlife predator and inspire a new network of people to respect, protect and…
191 votes -
RainScaping...Beautiful Solutions to Water Pollution!
RainScaping Campaign c/o Chesapeake Ecology Center - Non-Profit -www.RainScaping.org
The RainScaping Campaign encourages residents to practice rainscaping to improve the health of Anne Arundel County's tributaries and the Chesapeake Bay. We need assistance in developing and delivering the most impactful messages to encourage private property owners—who own most of the land—to reduce polluted runoff—a nationwide problem.
Requests from groups both within and outside of Anne Arundel County are continually increasing. RainScaping multi-media advertising and materials have been disseminated throughout the county, and beyond, including to visiting environmental professionals from several countries. We would like to expand the campaign with…
181 votes -
Yakamas for a Cleaner Columbia
Yakama Nation Fisheries Resource Management - Hybrid - host119.yakama.com
As young children, Yakamas learn about the relationship between humans, plants, animals, fish and the land. In this way, Yakamas grow up aware of their responsibility to protect the resources for those not yet born. The Yakama Nation is concerned about the toxic pollution in the Columbia River, the largest river in the Pacific Northwest. We stand to gain significantly by restoring America's fourth largest watershed to its cultural and historical importance. A cleaner Columbia Basin will restore the environment and improve the wellbeing of Northwest people.
103 votes -
Slow Money: Investing as if food, farms, and fertility matter
Slow Money - Non-Profit - www.slowmoney.org
Slow Money. Our mission is simple: to catalyze investment in local food systems.
This grant from Free Range can give us the voice we need to reach millions of people, who in turn empower the farmers, entrepreneurs, and investors in their communities to build healthy local food systems.77 votes -
The Seaweed Rebellion!
Blue Frontier Campaign - Non-Profit - www.bluefront.org
We would like to see our book, 50 Ways to Save the Ocean, become a Freerange Studios animated video. We believe an animated short would help us reach a more diverse audience and spread the message of solutions-oriented marine conservation community.
56 votes -
Fix Global Warming, End Unhappiness, Achieve World Peace
Irthlingz - Non-Profit - www.meltesedodo.com/meltesedodo/mp3/
"The Meltese Dodo" is a movie about an intrepid detective (The Earth) who discovers the truth about climate change through a series of encounters with "reliable sources", including molds, yeasts and bacteria.
"The Brontosaurus Song" occurs in the first scene, as The Earth reflects on the positive qualities of the human species ("imagination, love, poetry" the kind of species you'd hate to lose") and thinks back to another fun species, the brontosaurus.Free Range would create an animation to go with "The Brontosaurus Song" which we would use to promote our project, end unhappiness and…
55 votes -
Clean energy now, help kick the oil and coal addiction.
Clean Energy Now - Non-Profit - CleanEnergyNow.ws
I need help in creating a strong and robust web site in my effort to create a clean energy popular movement. Also I much appreciate Free Range Studios previous ID logo design sensibility, and need help in this area too.
27 votes -
Grow with the Flow! Pee On Earth!
Ecowaters/Ecovita - Hybrid - www.ecowaters.org and www.ecovita.net
We need to show that diverting urine and using it to grow plants is a way for us to (1) conserve water by reducing flushing, and (2) recycling nutrients by directing our nitrogen to plans, and (3) save energy (by replacing mechanically derived urea fertilizer and by reducing wastewater treatment energy).
26 votes