1,000,000 Miles for the Climate
Climate Ride - Non-Profit - www.climateride.org
Help Climate Ride expand our network of eco-activist cyclists, or Climate Riders, by developing a "1,000,000 Miles for the Climate" campaign & showcasing bicycles as one solution to the climate crisis. Since 2008, more than 300 Climate Riders have pedaled 100,000 miles during our multi-day charitable rides. What if green-minded bike-enthusiasts at home could also become climate warriors by tracking their everyday cycling? The campaign's focus is the promotion of a yet-to-be-developed web-based tool/wireless-app that logs miles pedaled, shares it via social media, and displays the community's combined total. With help, we envision 1,000 participants cycling 1,000,000 miles worldwide in 2011.

Melissa commented
Good luck!
Carrie commented
Hooooray Climate Ride!!!
Patricia Colognesi commented
Love the idea!!
Janis Totham-Davies commented
Go Climate Ride go........ Bicycles rule OK. I have never driven a car I only cycle, scoot on my Razor scooter or walk. You can scoot and cycle at any age, I'm 57 and still loving it.
Charlotte beatty commented
voted! go hockey goddess.
jfulton commented
1rst ranked!
Gerry McBride commented
Go Climate Ride - I like this idea, because everyone can become a Climate Rider at home!
Gerry McBride commented
Go Climate Ride - I like this idea, because everyone can become a Climate Rider at home!
guesswho!! commented
hope you winn
Helga commented
Go, go, go!
lise van Susteren commented
hooray for you!
elisa commented
voted! :-)
Janet Strazzulla commented
Yeah! I vote for your peddle power...
James Arnold commented
Wally Bruce commented
Pedal power is the answer
Steveo commented
I ride a bike and I vote.
Anonymous commented
See you again next year!
Anonymous commented
The planet thanks you and so do I!
Anonymous commented
Way to go, riders! Thanks for your efforts
Penske commented
Climate Ride is amazing! Help them turn everyone into a Climate Rider!