1,000,000 Miles for the Climate
Climate Ride - Non-Profit - www.climateride.org
Help Climate Ride expand our network of eco-activist cyclists, or Climate Riders, by developing a "1,000,000 Miles for the Climate" campaign & showcasing bicycles as one solution to the climate crisis. Since 2008, more than 300 Climate Riders have pedaled 100,000 miles during our multi-day charitable rides. What if green-minded bike-enthusiasts at home could also become climate warriors by tracking their everyday cycling? The campaign's focus is the promotion of a yet-to-be-developed web-based tool/wireless-app that logs miles pedaled, shares it via social media, and displays the community's combined total. With help, we envision 1,000 participants cycling 1,000,000 miles worldwide in 2011.

Judy Kramer commented
Bike for the planet's sake -- YES!
cc commented
good luck, caels!
Steve Zellmer commented
Yippee Skippee Geraldine!
walter commented
Go GiGi
Jane Sullivan commented
Blake...I believe! 2 more votes after me.
Paul Farmer commented
Goooo Climate!
Carolyn Cooke commented
Go, David Kroodsma!
Ben B commented
Climate Ride is fanasic. I've enjoyed every ride to date. The impact is palpable. The inspiration is contageous. Le's make his happen. +3fromme :)
Wilma B commented
Ride on!
Joey H commented
Best of Luck!
Nannie commented
Please support this amazing cause! Many participate so all can benefit - a true win-win!
JUAN C B commented
Robin van der Breggen commented
Great Initiative!
Lesley commented
Go Climate Ride!!! You're amazing!!
Randy Gayner commented
Good Luck
Lisa Jones commented
Please support Climate Ride!
Ian Monroe commented
Climate Ride rocks my world!!
Conrad commented
flower bartholomew commented
help our energy future-please give climate ride this grant!
simplerlife commented
yay climate riders! Mandy and I did our 6000 mile bike tour for this same cause, and sustainable communities: http://www.withinreachmovie.com. would love to see this app take shape! we will use it as we continue our bicycle mostly lifestyle. :)