The EcoMeter: Combating Green Washing by Empowering Consumers - Profit -
Our world is one where corporations can no longer "game" green rating systems; where consumer environmental values become just as important as research derived from product, consumer and brand level data. In our world, consumers will impact the way corporations make future products. Free Range can continue their consumer journey and bring a solution to every woman, man, and child by empowering consumers to abolish green washing by challenging corporations with smart purchasing decisions. Free Range will use their creative talent to create a video that can unite green consumers under one unifying force; "The EcoMeter".

LSue commented
This sounds great, can't wait to use it!
Joshua commented
I can't wait to use this!
Green Screen Queen commented
Love the EcoMeter idea!
Chris Clervi commented
Great idea!
Ziggy West commented
I've been following the EnviroSpeak project for the past year and have been very impressed by their scope and vision. I'm not surprised that they are now coming out with a utility as useful and needed as EcoMeter.
c2e commented
Green and keen!
james biesty commented
Get it!
Anonymous commented
what do you mean "abolish green washing"?
Maggi and Mike commented
Green and sustainable. Words you did not hear in the 50's
Nathan Sorochan commented
It says 2nd ranked. Let's try and fix that.
Marsha commented
Best of luck!
Jim Vanderhorst commented
Help out Envirospeak, they have a great vision!
Stace commented
Good luck. I'll spread the world.