GREEN: Global Renewable Energy Electricity Network
Campaign for GREEN - Hybrid
GREEN stands for the "Global Renewable Energy Electricity Network"
GREEN is a global grid linking together the world's abundant sources of renewable energy, delivering clean energy to every country on the planet.
GREEN addresses climate change, poverty and sustainability.
GREEN costs 1% of global GDP per year and will take 20 years to complete.
GREEN is spending better not more: we already spend more on polluting and finite conventional energy and subsidies.
GREEN is co-operative and equitable: each country pays for and receives energy in direct proportion to its needs.
GREEN is already happening: DESERTEC in EU-MENA. The Repower Initiative in the U.S. GCCIA in the Middle East.
GREEN's network is already 75% complete: existing national grids only need to be linked together by long distance transmission lines.
GREEN will be public commons: paid for, constructed and managed by an independent supervisory body; funded by individual tax contribution delivered by national governments.
GREEN's vision: "One World. One Energy. One Per Cent." renewable energy network for the entire planet. Paid for equitably by all. Used by and shared between the entire global population.
“GREEN provides a solution to some of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century:
clean, sustainable energy for all our needs without promoting climate change
removes the root causes of conflict caused by competition for fossil fuel energy resources
access to the fundamental tool to foster human development the world over: cheap and abundant energy– enabling access to light, clean water, refrigeration, heat and transport.
If the GREEN Campaign were to win Freerange’s YouTopia contest, it would enable us to set up a full function web and social network presence incorporating cartoon animation, interactive flash tutorials and library that we have already developed but lack the tools and resources to implement. Please use you vote to get the GREEN Campaign up and running !!!