Ending world hunger, one grilled cheese at a time
FeelGood - Non-Profit - www.feelgoodworld.org
Conventional service delivery solutions to hunger are founded on a framework of thinking that fundamentally misidentifies who hungry people are. This framework treats people born into poverty as: mouths to feed & as fishermen who need to be taught, reinforcing the powerlessness that creates the conditions of hunger. A new framework is needed to eradicate hunger, one rooted in human dignity, the power of self-reliance, and the reality of our interconnectedness. We envision a campaign that inspires and invites the masses to adopt this framework, generating support for movements like FeelGood, which is ending hunger one grilled cheese at a time.

Gwen Rhodes commented
Rhodeside Bed and Breakfast supports FEEL GOOD ending hunger one grilled cheese at a time.
Katy Stover commented
Do Good. FeelGood. :)
Benjamin Weiner commented
Feelgood is incredible.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Lei Lani commented
Go feel good (yup!)
sharon Spaulding commented
Go FeelGood!
Maureen Pomeroy commented
a wonderful charity with a unique approach!
John Coonrod commented
Go FeelGood Go!
Anonymous commented
Jace commented
take that hunger!
Deb Rubenstein commented
Devon Grubb commented
Let`s end it now
boludo commented
hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. feelgood keeps it importante como un boludo importante
Denise B commented
Grilled cheese is a brilliant fund raising and awareness raising concept. You do good work.
Anonymous commented
Feeling good trumps feeling bad every time!
Gary Tennis commented
FeelGood has THE model for world change and a happier humanity!
juliah commented
feelgood rocks \m/ -_- \m/
Suzanne Frindt commented
Great to see you in NY ... Thanks for your powerful partnership on behalf of our brothers and sisters!
Tiffany commented