Ethical Ocean - The ethical version of
Ethical Ocean - Profit -
Our vision is to mainstream ethical consumerism by increasing the
awareness, knowledge, availability, and consumption of ethical
products/services in North America. We want to transform the
marketplace by connecting ethical buyers and sellers through an
easy-to-navigate website that: (1) amasses and sells the world’s top
ethical products, and (2) facilitates the education and
open-discussion of top ethical issues.
Ethical Ocean would like Free Range to help us spread our initiative
to a broader audience, especially in the US market. We’d seek
strategic consultation on a new campaign strategy to further engage
our Canadian market and launch in the US market.

Anonymous commented
Great idea, good luck
Kevin Lees commented
Maurice Blanchette commented
Good Luck
Linda Blanchette commented
good work and keep it up!
Helen Rogers commented
Great work!
Helen Rogers commented
Great work!
Rene commented
Keep it up!
Rene commented
Keep it up!
Rene commented
Keep it up!
Patti commented
All the best in your efforts!
Anonymous commented
Good Luck!!
Vance Hamre commented
Very good ideas .
Arlene commented
Good Luck!
Anonymous commented
Good luck to you all. Hope you win.
Anonymous commented
Good luck to you all. Hope you win.
Brenda commented
Good Luck
Deb commented
Lookin' gooooood!
Emilie Lapointe commented
Good job guys!
Shawn Fazel commented
Charbit Emmanuel commented