New Money for Healthy Communities
DualCurrency Systems - Hybrid -
An environmentally sustainable and socially just global economy calls for game changing innovation. DualCurrency Systems proposes a profit-driven, yet equitable, new financial instrument. Today, businesses reward consumer spending with frequent flyer miles and other loyalty rewards. Why not also reward community volunteerism, green energy use and other socially beneficial behaviors? Everyone wins: merchants accept rewards for dual currency deals on their unused capacity; communities mobilize untapped time and talents of people; revenue sharing with community organizations inspires cross-sector coalitions; the payments industry provides rapid global adoption. Economic innovation in action! Please visit
hellome commented
I think this is a great idea. I hear all the time that people are trying to level the playing field financially by working under the table. This would probably in turn encourage people to work more when they feel they are working on a more level playing field. The other question is why do people feel like they have to have that next new toy? The answers are that we are pleasure seeking people but ALSO that we have a emotional holes in our hearts. We feel that we aren't fulfilled, that we are lonely, that we can't get what the other person is saying, that we are stressed beyond belief with all the demands in our lives, and that we aren't spiritually happy either.
Brian Landever commented
If the world became a little more peaceful every time we used money, how soon would we have a golden age?
Penny Isbell commented
Shine on!
Lori commented
David Rine commented
This is an excellent starting formulation for future financial/economic planning. Keep up the good work.
candy disch commented
i vote for you
Peter Jursik commented
An idea whose time is now.
Betty Renee Marver commented
excellent project for sharing abilities and services in a respectful way.
Craig Olson commented
Great idea--would be fascinating to see how such a system might effect behavior.
Azalyne SkyeOlson commented
sounds interesting, would like to hear more.
GCD commented
Rock on Joel.
Anonymous commented
Gooooo, Dual Currency!
Douglas Wright commented
Money used to be based on gold. Now it is based on debt. It makes much more sense to link it to production capacity.
shaina humphreys commented
great idea. it should win!
Matt commented
Better than gold!
Jeremy commented
good luck
Judith Sayad commented
happy to support you
Bill Morris commented
Yay Joel!
Maria Schwartz commented
good job Dual Currency!
Wendy Haan commented
Yes you have my vote