Unifying cultures of the world for Peace and Sustainability.
One World One Voice - Non-Profit - www.oneworldonevoice.org/
Designing a powerful and inspirational website will allow us to bring partnership, sponsorship and collaborative commitment to make a difference in our communities and the world. A website that is interactive, educational; the hub for a global community united to expand Peace and Sustainability; green living.

Michael (Miguel) Forbus commented
I have been a sustainable Organic Farmer for years and about to grow a large Organic Farm. Doing test plots now. We are building backyard hydroponic units to grow large amounts of food at home with ease. Blessings with your project. Miguel
Paulina Ramos commented
The world is expecting for a new quality of life. To preserve it clean, pure, full of harmony is our responsability.
Let's begin to help it. -
Monica commented
vova zenitov commented
peace is good, ok?
Tatiana Melèndez Faundez commented
anhelo ver mi mundo limpio y puro, una vegetaciòn como Dios la creo y el reino animal se mantenga protegido en nuestra civilizaciòn.
Sabina commented
Website would be a great tool to get the people connected, publish the information fast, and reach greater audience. The more people we can reach out to faster - the sooner we can leave in peace and love... I don't know anyone who won't want that... Go OWOV !
Cathy Herrera commented
Let the love and passion for peoples' desires come through thanks to the support of this powerful organization by providing it a beautiful website that truly represents it.
Catalina Herrera commented
A website is definitely a great tool to bring us, and the entire world, the empowering and loving strength of this organization.
Tatiana Melèndez Faundez commented
Quiero que en la Tierra permanezca intacto lo que Dios creo, para nuestras descendencias, para que no se siga destruyendo la tierra, apoyemos esta noble causa. Vamos que se puede!!!!!
Tatiana Melèndez Faundez commented
Quiero que en la Tierra permanezca intacto lo que Dios creo, para nuestras descendencias, para que no se siga destruyendo la tierra, apoyemos esta noble causa.
Monica Marchant commented
Very good website, congratulations
Monica -
Veronica commented
Salvemos nuestro planeta, esa es la misiòn.Dejemos esta maravilla de herencia a nuestros hijos. es un regalo de Dios y nuestra obligaciòn mantenerlo.
Luz María Acevedo commented
Peace is for everyone, not a privilege for some¡¡¡¡
Luz María Acevedo commented
The land is ours: we take care of
Luz María Acevedo commented
God from the beginning gave us a paradise, our mission is to work to maintain and protect the planet, not only for our children but for all species including humans.
Verònica Margarit D. commented
Salvemos nuestro planeta, esa es la misiòn.Dejemos esta maravilla de herencia a nuestros hijos. es un regalo de Dios y nuestra obligaciòn mantenerlo.
Teresita Contreras commented
Dejemosle a nuestros hijos la maravilla de la vida, la maravilla del mundo, la maravilla de cuidar y proteger el medio ambiente, todos juntos podemos!!!!....
catalina latorre " hija de tey :) " commented
yo pienso .. que si queremos " paz " y no violencia primero debemos actuar nosotros mismos preocupandonos sobre nuestro alrededor y no solamente humanos, si no que también con el planeta y los animales ,que al fin y al cabo son nuestros hermanos menores.
Teresita Contreras commented
Dejemosle a nuestros hijos la maravilla de la vida, la maravilla del mundo, la maravilla de cuidar y proteger el medio ambiente, todos juntos podemos!!!!....
Teresita Contreras commented
Dejemosle a nuestros hijos la maravilla de la vida, la maravilla del mundo, la maravilla de cuidar y proteger el medio ambiente, todos juntos podemos!!!!....