Imagine 2030: Building the Social Movement for Global Health Equity
GlobeMed - Non-Profit -
GlobeMed is building a world-changing movement for global health equity. Currently, more than 33 university chapters and over 1000 students partner with grassroots health organizations around the world. We hope to double in two years.
Unfortunately, our current branding and online presence is outdated and no longer accurately reflects our exciting and innovative organization.
We beseech the marketing gurus of Free Range to help our organization shift from our current, narrow, stale branding to the stand-up-and-shout-out-loud, movement-inducing messaging that we deserve.
Together, GlobeMed and Free Range can build a pipeline of leadership that will change the face of global health.

Jess J commented
colleen commented
keep hope alive...........I hope you WIN!
Anonymous commented
Allison commented
cause GlobeMed makes a difference.
Anonymous commented
mommaca55 commented
GlobeMed IS the change
Anonymous commented
Great work, Livy!
Mohsin commented
Tiffany Jackson commented
My vote is in!
Anonymous commented
Robert E. LaPata commented
Yo have my vote.
Bob LaPata -
Anonymous commented
All power to GlobeMed
Anonymous commented
Keep up the great work! Changing the world one step at a time.
Anonymous commented
Keep up the great work! Changing the world one step at a time.
Sarah commented
julie nabirye commented
we need this
Nick Moretti commented
Thanh Hoang commented
GlobeMed!!!!!!!!!! =D
Jessi Mischel commented
Go GlobeMed!
Vaishnavi Hariprasad commented
WOOO Globemed!