The Cruelty Behind the Cuteness
The Humane Society of the United States - Non-Profit -
Free Range can help reduce suffering and create meaningful social change for animals by creating a movie to educate youth (target age range 13-18) about the inherent cruelty in mass dog breeding operations commonly known as puppy mills. Millions of puppies are born in shockingly poor conditions each year, many with behavior and/or health problems. Many people don't realize they're supporting this cruelty when they purchase a puppy in a pet store, over the Internet, or through a classified ad. By raising awareness, we can help stop a cycle of cruelty that contributes to pet overpopulation and the suffering of countless dogs.

Mary Kate Clark commented
I believe very strongly in the mission and efforts of the humane society.... and the best hope for lasting future change is the involvement and education of our children to an earth-friendly way of life. Puppy mills depend on ignorance in order to thrive... an no one seeking to love animals should be unwittingly funding animal cruelty.
Su commented
Please save our animals.
Racheal commented
Thank you for all of your hard work. No animal should have to pay for human stupidity.
Anita Romanowski commented
With hundred of thousands of animals being put to death in shelters across the country annually, the indiscriminate breeding of animals at puppy mills, backyard and irresponsible breeders is a completely unneccessary evil. Please boycott these entities by not buying pets from pet stores (except Petsmart and Petco). Consumers have the loudest voices.
sarahk01 commented
Great cause! Please keep voting for this to help stop puppy mills!
sleep commented
"Free range can help reduce suffering" perhaps it can, but the guidelines and industry standards in America and the UK don't do anything to alleviate suffering.
Birds are still in cramped conditions and debeaked, cows are over milked and often become ill with mastitis or lameness.
The animals are still shipped off to slaughter once they're no longer 'profitable'. -
Julie commented
I am thankful for anyone who recognizes animal cruelty for what it is and is committed to fight against it. Thank you for helping give these animals a better life.
Shiraz commented
Sending love and support to all our little friends.
Rachel commented
Thank you for all your work. You have my full support.
Joanne Rowley commented
If you want a dog, get it from a shelter I've had pedigree dogs and shelter dogs and the shelter dogs were a much better dog in both health and temperament.
Mary Lacy commented
Having two dogs who have gone through both terrible and wonderful life journies with me and have kept me sane, I know that I would do anything for them. I got both dogs from a local shelter and they are healthy and happy. Dogs that come from puppy mills are often sickly, abused and deal with inbreeding misfortunes. Not to mention their mothers who are often neglected and mistreated and put to death after their breeding life is over. Thank you HSUS for all that you do on a daily basis to save these dogs and to prevent the further breeding of these puppies. You guys rock!!
Cheryl Farmer commented
Please continue to advocate for these millions of suffering dogs. It is shocking and senseless.
Kira Beller commented
shocking how many people are still oblivious to this horror. educating our youth is a really smart course of action.
Rachel Grace commented
Yes to all animals and animal rights. They have only love to give.
@NYSkyes commented
Thank you for all that you are doing
Eileen commented
This is the best age (and earlier) to educate our future! We need to bring a renewed level of awareness to the cruelty, the suffering, the pain these pups and their mamas go through. It starts with a vote!!
Elle commented
Innocent animals should not have to suffer because of human greed and ignorance.
Sarah Albert commented
Please help end the suffering of parent dogs that are left behind in puppy mills!
Dilip Chapagain commented
I vote for animals and animal rights. Every living being on the planet should be treated respectfully.
lee commented
please help these wonderful innocent creatures...