Bush Warriors Killer Vidz
Bush Warriors - Non-Profit - www.BushWarriors.org
Bushmeat hunting, illegal trading of animals (often exotic and endangered), and wildlife poaching are not only difficult to read about, but very hard to watch. Animated videos communicating these topics would further our mission: to create a global awareness about the plight of the world's wildlife and biodiversity. With these videos we hope to reach a broader audience and inspire more people; this war on wildlife can be stopped when enough people stand up and demand it to come to an end! An animation can make the impact we want, and will no doubt save thousands of animals worldwide

Farideh Davani commented
When we destroy Nature and kill all the Animals how are we expect to stay alive when our Environment already gone? There won't be any surviving without Forest or Animals....Human beings believes that Planet Earth only belongs to them, but doesn't know without Nature and Wild Life there wont' be any life after that......
robert burslem commented
why can we just stop the ******* of anything that lives in the wild. We need wildlife in the bush to be there. it there home and lovely to see them there
Debra Dena Thornton Coleman commented
Big Cats are the part of animal life that begins and ends the circle. Without them the circle has no beginning or an end, we have to protect and provide them there space and place. The land was theirs the life cycle of nature belongs with the Kings and Queens of all things in the animal world that's them. We're taking it away and we need to put it back. We can't honor ourselves without honoring the greatest creature of nature. Respect his place and provide them their space. It is "our" ignorance!!
Mary Kate Clark commented
Big Cats need help from humanity if they are to survive and thrive. It's inexcusable to let them continue to disappear while we share the earth with them... and have voices to wield in their defense. If "The Cove" has shown anything, it's that greed and ignorance will hold sway in the wake of silence.
Charlotte commented
This is a horrid, inhumane thing that's happening. We can help stop it through knowledge and awareness, so keep up the great work!